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Superior Nitrate Removal

Nitrate Removal from Water with a High-Efficiency LINX Drinking Water System

Not all water systems are equal when it comes to Nitrate Removal. Know the facts:

In areas where Nitrates are present in extremely high levels - not all RO Systems remove Nitrates to levels that are safe for consumption. EVEN ROs that are Rate to Remove Nitrates may not be good enough. Why? Because they are tested at levels less than 30 PPM. But there are many areas throughout the US where levels are dangerously high.

  Levels of Nitrate Contamination in water


How LINX Systems Are Superior

LINX Systems use Ion Exchange Technology. It's effectiveness has been shown to surpass even the most effective RO Systems - particularly when it comes to Nitrate Removal.

LINX stands for eLectrically regenerated IoN eXchange. LINX products employ the first new technology in the point of use (POU) water treatment industry since residential reverse osmosis (RO) was introduced in the 1970s. The patented process employs the basics of ion exchange technology but uses electricity rather than salt or other chemicals. LINX systems use cation and anion media to effectively remove a wide range of Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) including metals, nitrate, nitrite, fluoride, and others.

In areas where nitrate levels are dangerous, but not extreme, some of the better ROs will work, but they will still waste thousands of gallons of water a year.

When real world, high nitrate contamination water is present (as illustrated by the USGS map above), most typical ROs cannot provide the level of protection needed.

That's why when comparing LINX Systems to standard RO systems in real world, high nitrate contamination, LINX Systems remain the safest alternative available:



Understanding the Risk of Nitrates and Nitrites in Your Drinking Water

There has been a great deal of discussion recently about the danger of nitrates and nitrites in our drinking water supply, and a push to reduce the levels we consume. But many consumers have no concept of what a nitrate or nitrite is and where they come from.

What are Nitrates / Nitrites and why are they dangerous?

Both nitrates and nitrites are nitrogen-oxygen chemical units which combine with various organic and inorganic compounds. They occur in nature, in our food, and in our water supply. Nitrates are used primarily to make fertilizer, explosives and glass while nitrites are used as a preservative in foods. Our bodies need them to some extent, as they prevent the growth of bacteria, but excessive consumption can lead to some very serious complications. Leaf and WaterOne of the greatest concerns of the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is exposure in children. Ingesting nitrates / nitrates can lead to “blue baby syndrome” which is named for the blue coloration of the skin of babies who have high nitrate concentrations in their blood. The nitrates bind to hemoglobin (the compound which carries oxygen in blood to tissues in the body), and results in chemically-altered hemoglobin (methemoglobin) that impairs oxygen delivery to tissues, resulting in the blue color of the skin. Blue baby syndrome can cause brain damage, coma or even death and is seen most often in infants exposed to nitrates from drinking water used to make formula. In adults, this inability to carry oxygen through the blood can cause dizziness, headaches, irritability and blue tones to the skin. In pregnant women exposed to high levels of nitrates and nitrites, problems can include intrauterine growth retardation, cardiac defects, and nervous system defects. There has also been some question and concern by the EPA as to whether exposure to higher levels of nitrates or nitrites is associated with increased incidence of cancer in adults and the possible increased incidence of brain tumors, leukemia, and nasopharyngeal (nose and throat) tumors in children.  

How to Reduce the Amount of Nitrates / Nitrites Consumed

It is readily apparent that limiting the level of nitrates / nitrites we consume is vital. The main sources for nitrate contamination is runoff from fertilized lawns and cropland, wastewater treatment plants, failing on-site septic systems, runoff from animal manure storage areas, and industrial discharges that contain corrosion inhibitors. Pionetics has a solution to this growing problem with our LINX 140 Drinking Water System. This water system has proven to reduce the levels of nitrates and nitrites by over 99%, taking them down to non-detect levels in drinking water. In fact, the LINX 140 is the first device certified to reduce nitrate and nitrite contamination to NON-DETECT levels in certification testing. These reduction levels are far superior to traditional reverse osmosis (RO) filtration systems and, in addition, the LINX technology also uses significantly less water (up to 90% less) than a reverse osmosis system. This distinction has earned Pionetics Corporation the Water Quality Association (WQA), Gold Seal for Nitrate / Nitrite Reduction.

Certified to Reduce Nitrates / Nitrites in the State of California

In addition, the LINX 140 has been certified and approved for nitrate reduction in California, to view the certificate click here.